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Mandal found sweet success
Mandal and his 100-odd gypsy community are known as "Honey Harvesters". Migrated from North India, they came in search of livelihood. Mandal and his tribe found sweet success in Bangalore's tall buildings than in their native.
The entire community seems to
live happily in tents moving from place to place and in making a living from the raw honey they
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Though poor, the tribe is a close-knit group, spreading warmth and love. So, when Mandal began to experience weakness in his limbs and no longer able to harvest honey, curious visitors thronged his tent. On the day they decided to visit our clinic in Jakkur, each one showered their blessings.
Unexpected turn of events
Mandal and his wife, visit our clinic in Jakkur. They have no idea why Mandal's limbs have been weakening or of his recent tiredness. What was in store for Mandal, took the family by surprise. Though anguished and puzzled, trusting our team, they agree to reach out to our hospital for further investigations.

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Patients with terminal diseases need a lot more than medical care. They look forward to extensive care, emotional attachment and someone who can hear them out. Our team of experts makes sure patients stay happy and far away from any depression thoughts. We help them relieve their pain, motivate them even if it is talking about the happy moments they have had in the past and prepare the family members for the events to take place in the future.

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I used to fight for longevity. It turned out I must fight for the quality of life. And where there is quality of life, longevity ensues.
Mandal, after receiving our care and compassion.

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For Mandal and many tribes, the poor and even for the urban Bangaloreans, our care and compassion brings pain-free living with dignity. A touch, a comforting word, a smile is all they need.

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Although no curative options, we could relieve his pain with medicines. "I am eternally grateful," acknowledged Mandal, his eyes brimmed with tears. Now, moslty, pain-free, Mandal spends his days under his tent with his family and the 100-odd tribe standing by him.
End-of-life Care
Our multidisciplinary palliative care team provides medical, nursing, psychological and spiritual support to people with terminal illness a the comfort of their homes. Clothed with sensitivity, empathy and competence, the team of octors, nurses and counsellors work to improve the quality of life of patients in their last days of life.
Villages covered
People screened
Awareness programmes