BBH is registered with the Foreign Contribution Regulations Act 1976 for all foreign donations. It also enjoys 80G exemption under the Income Tax Act for local donations.
A life well lived
Uchanmakka and Atanmaya in their 70s and 80s respectively, are a picture of what is togetherness. With our healthcare at their doorstep casting a safety net over them, they live blissfully.
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Uchanmakka is active as ever!
“She is fussy and finicky. So she's always doing some work; from cleaning the kitchen to washing clothes. She does it by herself. I am surprised at her stamina. She religiously takes all the medicines and would never miss the mobile clinic when it comes to our village. Thank you, for the care you provide and we always wait for Madhu, your healthcare worker's visit . His visits cheers us up. If not for your clinic, we would have to travel at least 10 kilometers to see a doctor," gratefully adds Atanmaya.
Love, actually
Uchanmakka and Atanmaya depend on each other. Atanmaya with difficulty in movement, needs the support of his wife. While, she looks to him for moral support, she is more active and playful, even at this stage. Whenever he asks her for his walking stick, she would playfully either hide or just linger it a bit longer.... but always love overrides everything.
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About 33% urban and 25% of rural Indians are hypertensive. Of these, 25% rural and 42% urban Indians are aware of their hypertensive status. Only 25% rural and 38% of urban Indians are being treated for hypertension. One-tenth of rural and one-fifth of urban Indian hypertensive population have their BP under control.
A clinic closer to their home
When the poor are forced to choose between a meal and health, they always choose the avenue for the next meal. However, with our clinics at their doorstep, compassionate doctors for treatment, concessional fees for medicines and with regular home visits, the poor are paying more attention to their health. Thus, there's more smiles and bliss in their life.
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When health is great so is the smile
"I am the happiest. As long as we both live, we want to live healthy and happy. We are there for each other," concludes a positive Uchanmakka.

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My husband and I want to lead a healthy and peaceful life. I think we are there. With your regular healthcare, I can still do my work, without any limitation. We are the happiest," ends Uchanmakka cheerfully, teaching us a lesson on simplicity and contentment.
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Smile on Wheels
When you are forced to choose between a meal and healthcare, a visit to the doctor often takes a backseat. Reaching and treating the poor at their doorstep with essential medicines to those in need is no easy task in a rural scenario where poor access to healthcare and poverty go hand in hand.
Cardiovascular diseases lead to mortality and disability. As the hospitals are far away and expensive, many people (especially the poor) stop going for their routine check-up and medications. This leads to serious complications and death. The routine home visits of our healthcare workers seem to be so crucial in such instances. They not only monitor and motivate such patients but have become part of their families, some even sharing their personal stories.
Our mobile van covers 900 villages in Bangalore Rural and 12 slums inBangalore urban. Our healthcare workers who live in the communities we work, connect with the people on a personal level which is crucial to providing quality health services.
Villages covered
People screened
Awareness programmes