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No school for Neha
Neha is an intelligent girl, who loves school, her teacher and friends. But, it was not supposed to be so. She and her brother lost their mother a few years back. The sudden death of his wife, led Srinivas to find consolation in alcohol. He neglected his children, most of the time, on the road fallen unconscious. Neha, forced to give up schooling, took the role of a mother to her 5-year old brother.

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Now, it's only 'Puppy Love'.
Srinivas walked out as a changed person. The situation in the house has since changed dramatically. Srinivas is a busy bee right from the moment he wakes up! From preparing breakfast, cleaning the house, to getting his children ready for school and going to work, it’s a 360 degree turn around in his life. "My dream is that both my kids should study well and lead a life different from mine. Thank you for giving me this new lease of life" says a tearful Srinivas.
When de-addiction camps became the answer
On one his home visits, Nandish, our healthcare worker saw Neha and her brother on the road. When he asked a neighbour, she said "Srinivas, their father drinks most of the time and neglects his children. Neela and her brother would beg for food." After numerous counselling sessions, Nandish convinced Srinivas to attend our 10-day camp.

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The rapid urbanisation, social transition, migration and changes in life style have bought with it a significant increase in alcoholism in the rural areas. In the rural areas of Devanhalli Taluk of Bangalore Rural District, almost 50%of the adult population drinks and of these, at least 25% are dependent on alcohol. Though alcoholism is rampant in urban as well as rural areas, all the de-addiction facilities are located in Bangalore city.
Our healthcare workers, who are from the same villages play a crucial role in creating awareness, convincing those addicted to alcohol to attend the camp as well ensuring there's no relapse. At the camp, we provide medical treatment couple with counselling by Alcoholics Anonymous, sessions by the police and peer-educators.
On the last day, we counsel the attendees along with the family members. Our healthcare and social workers involve an Intensive follow-up and job placements and rehabilitation efforts.
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Thanks to the de-addiction camp,, all my friends have become sober. It's a new life for us and we are enjoying every minute of it. There's meaning to our life now, and not what we enjoyed earlier - we are all echo this truth," opines Srinivas. "All the friends still meet, only for a cup of tea and not for a drink," proudly says another friend
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A unique community-based model of taking de-addiction services to rural areas. The villages have access to a free de-addiction service and counselling support by our trained team, at the doorstep.
Community members, families, village leaders and other stakeholders actively participate in the overall of this initiative.
Recently, we have initiated a programme to help women who are addicted to alcohol
Villages covered
People screened
Awareness programmes